Popcorn, Fear and 2 Queers
Hey, are you a queer? Do you... enjoy a good laugh? Are you into solving demonic Rubik's cubes and then battling a bunch of extra-dimensional, torture-loving beings for your immortal soul or donning a modified William Shatner mask and going on a murder spree to kill your estranged little sister? No? Oh, you just prefer to watch? That's fillllllthy... I'm into it. Well, me and my boyfriend saw you sitting over here from across the bar, and we really like your vibe... wanna come over to our place, watch a horror movie and then talk about it for an hour? I promise, we'll have a good laugh, talk some tea, and discuss every bloody little detail -- my name's Nico, by the way, and that's my boyfriend, TikTok horror movie buff, Jeff (@ohnoshebetta).Join us every Friday for a scary, fairy, hilari.....ous good time at Popcorn, Fear and 2 Queers -- a horror movie podcast for the scare seekers, the fear tweakers, and the clinically queer. See you there! ;)
24 episodes
Ep. 24 Call (2020)
What could be more interesting than a cordless phone, reminiscent of the early 2000's Virgin Mobile Pay-As-You-Go Phone? The person on the other end...A Netflix bop-o-rama, receiving high praise from the masses, Call follows two young w...
Season 1
Episode 24

Episode 23: Talk To Me (2023)
Talk To Me? How about DON'T I'm a N t I s O c I a L No but come talk about one of the most hyped horror releases of the 2023 calen...
Season 1
Episode 23

Ep. 22 The Black Demon (2023)
I... we... honey, do you remember when that clip of Ra'jah O'hara saying "I'm not gagging," was circulating around the interwebz?We are that meme.Send help, but first watch this movie and get ready to talk about magic shar...
Season 1
Episode 22

Episode 21: Clock (2023)
Tick tock goes the clock in the new Hulu original horror film, Clock.Ella is 37 and uninterested in having kids despite pressure from her friends and family. Her father, the grandchild of Holocaust survivors, urges her to reconsider. He...
Season 1
Episode 21

Episode 20: Parasite (2019)
Something is crawling under the surface....Join us as we talk about
Season 1
Episode 20

Episode 19: Evil Dead (2013)
This weeks episode is a blast from the past. Cannot get over that this movie is 10 years old. So sit down, have a drink, and lets open the book of the dead with Evil Dead (2013). Mia will thank you for it. ;)
Season 1
Episode 19

Episode 18: Wrong Turn (2021)
It's giving "Let's never go anywhere without wifi ever again."This week we're checking out the 2021 REBOOT (not remake) of Wrong Turn!We'd like to order a blood bath with a side of gore, hold the Dushku.
Season 1
Episode 18

Episode 17: Evil Dead Rise (2023)
People just aren't opening cursed texts wrapped in human skin like they used to. What happened to traditional values!? Join us as evil rises in the newest entry in the Evil Dead Saga. It will have blood! It wi...
Season 1
Episode 17

Episode 16: Wrong Turn (2003)
If Eliza Dushku is wrong....we don't wanna be right...Today we are revisiting a cult classic in Declan Obrien's Wrong Turn (2003), because the only thing worse than 2 inbred serial killers....is 3 inbred serial killers......
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode 15: Huesera: The Bone Woman (2022)
Pregnancy is scary...Being tormented by joint cracking apparitions WHILE you're pregnant is even scarier. Join us this week on our journey through one of the best horror movies we've seen this year. Full of scares and meanin...
Season 1
Episode 15

Episode 14: The Menu (2022)
Who's hungry?Tonight we're serving up to The Menu!Boneappletea ;)
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 13: Cocaine Bear (2023)
You put the bear in the coke and then you snort it all...wait...that's definitely not how that quote goes... What's better than a vicious black bear slaughtering people on screen? That's right! A vicious black bear wit...
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode 12: M3gan (2022)
I know it ain't, I know it ain't the STAAAAALLIOOOON....and this android can't be f**ked with, no, ho' you can't touch her, ayyyy....No? Okay.
Season 1
Episode 12

Episode 11: The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Season 1
Episode 11

Episode 10: Mars Attacks! (1996)
Mars Attackackackackackackackacks. Martians are invading a town near you, and they're kind of...fabulous??? Join us while we talk about the cult classic 90's sci-fi horror comedy, Mars Attacks! Final note: The series Nico wa...
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 9: The Innocents (2021)
The Innocents is a movie sure to not disappoint -- and if you don't believe us, hop on over to Shudder (sure would be nice to get some sponsorship ;)) and come back to talk all about it!!
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 8: Doctor Sleep (2019)
Sorry for the short delay in getting this episode out! We got into a shoot out with The True Knot and we might look rough, but you should see the other guys. ;pEnjoy, babies! <3
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Skinamarink (2022)
Skinamarinky-dinky-dink, skinamarinky-doo, I'll get you.First released at a film festival in 2022, and released to US theaters in January 2023, Skinamarink is an experimental film with HEAVY analog horror vibes, that is surely an...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6: Candyman (2021)
Sweets for the Sweet, and we're not talking about honey! Our sweet treat this week is Candyman (2021), directed by Nia DaCosta and featuring Jordan Peele as one of it's writers. As always, we recommend you watch the movie before you come and se...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5: Barbarian (2022)
New Year, New Horror, Same Queers! ;)Today, we're talking about Zach Cregger's Barbarian -- a modern creature flick where the monster might not be just who you think it is! So dim those lights, pour yourself a fresh glass of mi...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4: Halloween Kills & Halloween Ends
It's been 84 years... YEAH, SO, sorry for the delay -- here's the second half of our Halloween QUADrilogy. <_<As you'll hear in the episode, we're going to be taking a little break until 1/8/23 to work out some tech problems, try a ne...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 3: Halloween (1978 & 2018)
Ahhhh, this episode is super late, sorry it's been a crazy weekend and we hate to post in run, but Michael is BaCk, bAcK, BACK again. ;)
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 2: Hellraiser (1987 & 2022)
After back to back colds and fighting for the will to live, ya boys are back at it again to discuss, not just one, but BOTH Hellraisers (1987 & 2022)! We'll absolutely be discussing our VILFs and play a round of Antagonist Astrology.
Season 1
Episode 2